Māori Business
We understand the importance of business decisions that will provide a return to the generations to come. We have the legal and commercial experience to ensure that the decisions you make on behalf of those that have entrusted you are prudent decisions for the now and for the future. Whether it be a decision concerning an investment in commercial property, a commercial transaction, how culturally significant land is to be developed, or advice on the best legal entity to achieve the best returns, we can assist you in achieving results for your owners.
We act for numerous ahu whenua trusts throughout Tauranga Moana and the North Island on commercial transactions, commercial property, and employment matters, and we regularly provide advice to Post-Settlement Governance Entities.
- Establishing limited partnerships, companies and joint ventures
- Equity investments
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Capital raises
- Finance
- Horticulture developments
- Irrigation and water schemes
- Forestry and harvesting
- Structuring advice
- Commercial property
- Land development
- Trust advisory
Key People
Joshua Gear (Special Counsel) understands the importance to Te Ao Māori of te reo rangatira me ona tikanga and the fact that decisions are always made with future generations in mind. He assists numerous ahu whenua trusts throughout Tauranga Moana with all of their legal needs. He also provides advice to post-settlement governance Entities on matters related to settlement and post-settlement direction. He regularly appears in the Māori Land Court, Environment Court and High Court to advocate for the iwi, hapū and whanau communities he represents.
James Dow (Partner) advises Māori organisations on a wide range of commercial, corporate and finance matters. He has assisted various organisations with the establishment of limited partnerships, companies and joint ventures for a wide range of commercial, horticultural and community-related purposes. James also advises on a variety of financing arrangements, acquisitions and equity investments. James’ experience covers many sectors, with particular expertise in renewable energy, kiwifruit, irrigation and water schemes, processing and social infrastructure.
Hamish Murray (Partner) is well regarded for his preference for understanding the practical aspects of a project before the legal advice is given, his attention to detail, and exceptional client service. Hamish has extensive experience with all aspects of commercial property and land development.
![Bill Chapman - Commercial Lawyer - Sharp Tudhope](
Bill Chapman (Consultant) was a partner at Sharp Tudhope for 32 years before transitioning to a Consultant role in 2022. Bill’s experience lies in commercial law, particularly structuring business entities and raising capital. Throughout his career, he has played a key role in guiding many Māori entities through complex legal landscapes, helping them establish and grow their businesses.
Recent experience includes:
- Funding of regional developments through Kãnoa / Provincial Growth fund
- Establishment of community housing entities and developments
- Acting for Whakatōhea Mussels (Ōpōtiki) Limited on its formation and its subsequent capital raisings, and the development of its offshore mussel farm and its mussel processing factory at Ōpōtiki
- Acting on the formation of limited partnership/lease structures for the development of Māori land for horticulture
- Acting on the formation of Raukokore River Water Limited and Turanga Waimaori Limited to establish water schemes on Māori land. This work involved the water scheme documents and also the water company structuring to provide appropriate control to the Māori entities that developed the schemes
- Representing Torere Reserves Trust in the Environment Court protecting wahi tapu
- Advising Post Settlement Governance Entities on the impact of proposed legislation, including making submissions to select committees
- Assisting Ngati Whakahemo in its settlement negotiations with the Crown
- Assisting in negotiations with WBOPDC regarding the return of Panepane Point to Matakana hapu under the Public Works Act 1981 provisions
- Review of Trust Orders for ahu whenua trusts to ensure they are fit for purpose, including the provision of advice and representation in the Māori Land Court
- Organisational restructuring advice for ahu whenua trusts
- Setting up charitable trusts, companies and limited partnerships for Māori entities
- Assistance with papakainga development