Graduate Profile

Team: Litigation
Role: Solicitor
Joined Sharp Tudhope: 2021

Kate Bennett

What first interested you in studying Law?
I only began studying law in my second year of university. At school I was mainly interested in the sciences – no one in my immediate family was a lawyer and so I didn’t really have much exposure to this kind of work. I didn’t realise how many different areas of law there are or how diverse the work of a lawyer can be.

Once I saw the kind of work and assignments my friends were doing during their first year of law, I realised this was something I was interested in pursuing.

How would you describe the transition from university to working at Sharp Tudhope Lawyers?
Naturally, I was nervous on my first day here, but the transition from university to working at Sharp Tudhope was smooth. As a graduate at a law firm, there is so much for you to learn from everyone around you. It is amazing how much you learn in your first few months. Everyone at Sharp Tudhope was very welcoming and are always willing to lend a hand.

What do you enjoy most about working at Sharp Tudhope Lawyers?
The things I enjoy the most about working at Sharp Tudhope are the people I get to work with and the supportive network in the firm.  My supervising partners help me set annual goals to achieve to guide my long-term career progression, and make sure I have opportunities available to help me achieve those goals and expand my legal skillset.

Describe a typical day as a graduate at Sharp Tudhope
Everyday at Sharp Tudhope is different, particularly as a grad in the litigation team. Depending on the files you are working on, there is usually something to be progressed, researched, or drafted. Sometimes you can work on the same file for months, and sometimes an issue is resolved within a few days.

I’ve found litigation to be really interesting, as you need to be familiar with so many different areas of the law to understand the dispute at hand. It’s also really satisfying when you reach a good outcome for your client.

What advice would you give to a graduate who is interested in joining Sharp Tudhope?
Remember everyone has been in your shoes before- no one expects you to come out of law school knowing everything. Make the most of learning from the people around you and making good connections with your colleagues.   There is such a wide range of people in the office, but everyone is super friendly and there’s always an interesting story being told in the tearoom.


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