Are There Time Limits For Dividing Your Property?


If your marriage, civil union, or de facto relationship has ended, then you should be aware that there are statutory time limits for dividing your property.

Parties are often able to reach agreement in respect of the division of their property without the need for court assistance. However, in situations where parties do require Court assistance, the following time limits apply:

1. If your marriage/civil union has been dissolved by an order dissolving the marriage/civil union, then an     application must be made before the expiry of the 12 month period following the date on which the     dissolution order takes effect as a final order.
2. An application made after a de facto relationship has ended must be made no later than three years after the     de facto relationship ended.

If you have separated, and are attempting to negotiate a resolution between yourselves, but nearing the close of the above time limits, we suggest you seek urgent legal advice.



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