

Seasonal Employment

Many industries rely heavily on seasonal workers over the busy summer months. Employers hiring seasonal workers need to take care that their contractual arrangements with those employees are consistent with fixed term, rather than permanent employment to avoid employees challenging their dismissal at the end of the season. Challenging dismissal A recent Employment Court case,Turner…

Changes To Tax Treatment Of Employee And Accommodation Allowances

The Government is to include changes to the tax treatment of employee allowances, reimbursements and employer-provided accommodation in a bill to be introduced to Parliament later this month. The intention is to provide clarity to employers and to minimise compliance and administration costs. Revenue Minister Todd McClay stated that currently, when an employer meets an…

Company Directors And Governance Of Health And Safety In The Workplace

A Royal Commission of Inquiry established in relation to the Pike River Coal Mine tragedy found that there were significant shortcomings in the company’s corporate governance and management.  The failure of the company’s board of directors to provide effective health and safety leadership contributed to the operational causes of the explosions that killed twenty-nine men….

Wages Records

Do you know what records you must keep to comply with the Employment Relations Act and Holidays Act?     We can advise on best practice in relation to: Employment agreements. Wages records. IRD records, including Kiwisaver, student loan, child support deductions. Health and Safety records. Record of employee participation in management of workplace health…
